Sunday, April 22, 2018

"They say everything that can be written has been written. I saw we are just getting started."

"They say everything that can be written has been written. I saw we are just getting started." This is a quote from my first short collection of dark tales: Mailboxes - Mansions - Memphistopheles.

A finalist in the International Best Book Awards short story collection category, MAILBOXES - MANSIONS - MEMPHISTOPHELES is the first short story collection by Andrew Barger. In the collection he unleashes a blend of character-driven dark tales, which are sure to be remembered. In "Azra'eil & Fudgie" a little girl visits a team of marines in Afghanistan and they quickly learn she is more than she seems. "The Mailbox War" is a deadly tale of a weekend hobby taken to extremes while "The Brownie of the Alabaster Mansion" sees a Scottish monster of antiquity brought back to life. "Memphistopheles" contains a tale of the devil, Memphis, barbecue and a wannabe poet. "The Serpent and the Sepulcher" is a prose poem that will be cherished by all who experience it. "The Gëbult Mansion" recounts a literary hoax played by Andrew on his unsuspecting social networking friends that involves a female vampire. Last, "Stain" is an unforgettable horror story that is uniquely presented backwards or forwards. Experience these memorable stories tonight!

#AndrewBargerQuotes #ShortStoriesCollection

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