Monday, March 25, 2024

Crypt Classics: Best 19th Century Horror Stories Annotated Edited by Andrew Barger is Published


I'm happy to announce that my latest anthology:  Crypt Classics: Best 19th Century Horror Stories Annotated is published!  It contains shocking tales from the 19th century published in the English language, including those from popular American and Victorian authors. To my knowledge, this has never been done before. So how did this all come about?
In 2010 I was presented a horrific dare that I could not do it. That it had never been done before and would be nearly impossible. It's only a hundred years and hundreds of scary stories, many buried in long forgotten magazines and journals.
"What was it?" (to swipe a title from one of the stories at the heart of the dare). I was challenged by a friend to read all the horror stories I could find from the 19th century and compile an anthology of the very best. One ring of terror to rule them all. A daunting task. Hundreds of scary stories later, I had my lucky 13. Me being me, that was not enough. As I am wont to do, I had to include author photos, story introductions, annotations of each scary story, and a list in the back of the anthology of all the short stories I read to find the 13 best for the century.
To be fair, I had to address the dare in stages. I first began by focusing on the first 50 years of the 19th century. Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1850  This anthology was published in 2010. Six years later I tacked the back-half of the century and published the Best Horror Short Stories 1850-1899. Step two was complete, yet it still took me eight more years to publish my anthology of the best horror stories for the entire century.
Read the premier horror anthology for the nineteenth century! 
Buy today at Amazon in hardback, paperback and ebook: Crypt Classics: Best 19th Century Horror Stories Annotated

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